02:30 Kayleigh Huitt 0 Comments


World Book Day, is probably one of my favourite days in the year!  Ever since I was little I have loved books and having a whole day to celebrate them is amazing! Even before Bear was born I was buying him books and I couldn't wait for him to arrive so I could read to him. Making time to read a book with Bear is something we do everyday and I love just sitting in bed with a big pile of books reading with him. 

I thought I would share some of  Bear's favourite books. These are the books Bear chooses over and over again. He loves lift the flap and pop up books so Dear Zoo, The Tickle Book & Farm 123 are always in the pile we have to read before he goes to bed. Now Bear is getting older he can sit and listen to longer stories properly and when we sit and read I can tell he is taking it in. The rainbow fish is one of them, it's a great book that encourages sharing and is one of my favs. The last book is the stories for little boys which Bear got from his Uncle. Its a really nice collection of classic stories like Pinocchio and The Gingerbread Man and the illustrations are lovely. These are just some of Bear's favourites, we would be here all day if I showed you them all!

Happy World Book Day Everyone!!

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