
16:11 Kayleigh Huitt 0 Comments

After a couple of days of potty training, we have not had one wee wee in the potty! So for a week or so I'm going to stop and have a break from it. We are going to get Harvey a new potty that he can choose as I've read that it might motivate him, at the moment he just has a bog standard blue potty, and won't sit on it! I'm hoping a new potty might help, I've seen a toy story one in boots so I'm going to take Bear and see if he likes it. I was hoping he would like potty training and at the start he was into sitting on it but the novelty has worn off so we will try again soon! How did potty training go for you?


Potty Training!

13:32 Kayleigh Huitt 0 Comments

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Today I attempted to get Bear started with potty training and introduce him to big boy pants! We have had the potty for a while and have been showing it to him now and then but today was the first day I put him in pants and explained to him about doing a wee wee in it.

Harvey approached the potty and stuck it straight on his head. Its safe to say that the potty has been on his head more times than he has sat on it today. I tend to ask him every 15 minutes if he needs to go. I put him in pants after he woke up and he stayed dry for an hour and did a tiny tiddle in his pants while I quickly popped upstairs for a second. So after a change of pants and sitting him on the potty we tried again. After 30 mins of asking him if  he needs a wee and Harvey saying NO everytime, I went into the kitchen to get him a snack and I back came to harvey pointing at the potty. After quickly taking off his pants I realised he had already done a wee. So with Harvey pointing at the potty I know that he understands what it is there for. Im going to have to keep a close eye on him as he seems to go when im out the room!

I'm not going to worry about getting him fully potty trained just yet when he's ready he will tell me, I'm slowy introducing it, my plan is to put him in pants in the morning and put a nappy on when he has his nap after lunchtime.

How did potty training go for you?