07:41 Kayleigh Huitt 0 Comments

The weather is getting a tad bit better and Bear has been playing in the garden a lot so we decided to get some new flowers to plant. Bear really enjoyed planting flowers last year and now he is older he can start to understand how things grow and the responsibility of looking after his flowers. Gardening is great for kids, they can learn new skills, have fun and play. Most children enjoy being outdoors and love digging in the soil, getting dirty, creating things and watching plants grow.

We took Bear to buy the flowers and compost and he picked which ones he wanted, he helped daddy put new compost in the pots and dig little holes for the flowers to go in. We talked to him about what plants needed to grow and then he finished of by watering the flowers. Just as it started to rain!!

If your looking for something to do that's easy and the kids will love, do this! 

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