Outfit of the week.
We have just got back from our tots group we go to every Thursday. Daddy tagged along today as it was a special day. Harvey got to blow out his birthday candle and he got a little card from the group. I thought I would include Little Bear's outfit of the week today as he was wearing his new hoody he got from my brother and sister in law for his birthday. I try to dress him in comfy stuff that he can move around in and doesn't restrict his movement as he is always on the go. Apologies for the poor photo he did not want to have his picture taken today.
Outfit of the week :
His jeans are from next, they look like jeans but are a Jersey denim fabric, really soft and he can move around them unlike normal skinny jeans.
My favourite shoes that I mostly put Harvey in is his black hi top converse. They pretty much go with anything and look super cute! I got these from Very on offer for £18 so I had to get them.