It's December!

14:20 Kayleigh Huitt 0 Comments

I cannot believe it is December already and that it has been nearly a month since Bear's birthday! Apart from Harvey's presents I am not very organised at all! But I think we are planning on going Christmas shopping next week and aim to get everything in one go!

This year I am making a Christmas Eve box for Bear, last year Harvey had only just turned one and I didn't think he would understand, so keep checking back to see what I am putting in it.

 Here's some of the activities planned for Bear this year:

  1. Decorating gingerbread Christmas tree's (DONE) 
  2. Visiting Santa 
  3. Feeding reindeer at local garden centre
  4. Tot's group Christmas party
  5. Making Christmas cards
  6. Building gingerbread house. 
I was never a big fan of Christmas before Bear was born, but since he arrived Christmas has come alive again and I get so excited for him. I can't wait to see his face Christmas morning when he see's his presents. He will able to open his own presents and he can express himself more now he's older and I know he will love everything he gets. 

What activities will you be doing with your little one's this year?

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