Bear's Favourite's: Play-Doh Ice Cream Sweet Shoppe
Ever since Bear really small he has always loved play-doh. I think I bought his first pot just after his first birthday and its always been an activity he has always loved to do. Currently he has been playing with the Play Doh Ice Cream Sweet Shoppe set which he could play with for hours!
He likes making mini ice creams for everyone and rolling out the doh to make the cones. We decided to buy him this little set as he has been watching videos on the YouTube kids app about it and I wanted to see what Play-Doh plus was all about. It Turns out that it is a softer and smoother doh for anyone who didn't know! Play-doh is a great activity for creative and imaginative play and perfect for building the muscles in their little hands, getting them ready for holding pencils and scissors later on.