What's in my Toddlers change bag?
When you first have a baby you have to have everything but the kitchen sink in your change bag its full of nappies, bottles, wipes , creams and god knows what else! Now Bear is Three and potty trained his bag is a lot smaller and easier to carry around and he sometimes carries it around himself if he's in a good mood!
So the first thing is the bag. I recently bought this in the Next Christmas sale, I had been eyeing it up on the website but didn't fancy paying £14 for it. On boxing day I had a look in the next sale and was just about to leave when it caught my eye hanging in the socks and hats section. I had to grab it. It was in the sale for £7 and I fell in love with it. The bag itself is very roomy and light. I love that is has some monochrome colours in it and it looks like a bear, which is what we call Harvey.
The contents of the bag are probably the same as what every mum puts in there child's bag when they are out and about. The most important thing is a full change of clothes, Bear has been potty trained since he turned two and a half but the occasional accident does sometimes happen so I always carry a change of clothes especially is we are out for the day. Next is a snack and a drink , Bear would probably say this is the most important thing in his bag. There is nothing worse than being out with a toddler and they are clinging to your leg crying, saying "I'm hungry"!
I always carry around a pack of wipes for those sticky situations and plasters for the bumps and grazes. There is either a book or toy in Bear's bag to keep him occupied if we are out for dinner or in the car. My diary usually goes in Bears bag along with a pen, chap stick, 4head for headaches, hand sanitizer and my purse and keys as I don't really do handbags.
What do you have in your child's bag?